Secrets To Mastering Body Language

Are you putting in extra hours at work and meeting all your deadlines, but still haven’t received the kind of promotion or appreciation that you so rightly deserved?

Body language experts across the globe, are of the view that we tend to give off thousands of non-verbal signs whilst saying only one or two words.

Here are some of the body language clues that you should avoid in the workplace:

  • Slouching Or Bad Posture: It is common for most of us to lapse into a less-than-perfect posture after putting in long hours at our desk. However, slouching conveys the (wrong) impression that you are not as competent as your colleagues. Moreover, slouching is seen by many as being associated with someone who is not energetic, confident, happy, caring, and interested in their employment.
  • Fidgeting: Bouncing your knees, twirling a lock of hair, or playing with objects lying on the desk are signs of fidgeting. Usually, nerves drive such behaviours. Most managers and colleagues take fidgeting by someone as distracting, inattentive, and unprofessional.
  • Lack Of Eye Contact: Eye contact still matters in this tech-savvy world of today that is dominated by smartphones. The absence of eye contact suggests to others that you are either not interested in them or are too busy for them - both of which are not a great way to initiate or maintain conversations. Moreover, staring at the floor or holding your chin down makes you appear sad, insecure and demonstrates a lack of confidence. Also, it is a good thing to avoid attending to, or viewing, your phone when someone is there to converse with you.
  • Crossing Your Arms: Some of us have the uncanny habit of crossing our arms over our chest or crossing our legs or turning our torso away from someone while he or she is still speaking or placing an object between ourselves and the person we are talking to. These signs indicate that you are either pretending to be engaged, not interested or only partially involved in the conversation.
  • Giving A Weak Handshake: Shaking hands, as everyone knows, can be a battlefield. When you give a good handshake to your boss or colleagues, it makes you feel confident.  A vigorous shake conveys courage, energy, passion, honesty and a host of other good character traits. Try to make eye contact when you shake hands.
  • Tense Facial Expressions: There are times for some of us when our brows get furrowed and our eyes get narrowed as soon as the boss stops by to chat.  If you have a habit of not smiling enough, it is time to change that. Showing no emotion is a bad sign. It is always a good thing to enjoy life, even whilst in the workplace. It creates and nurtures a healthy and comfortable work environment for all.


The right body language can be your most positive asset and will aid your journey to greater success. Don’t underestimate the power of good body language, so spend some time reviewing the way you come across and see if you can improve your job prospects by tweaking the message your body language conveys.

About the Author: Joel Aldridge

Having perused an immense volume of job adverts, Joel is on an unwavering mission to guide companies towards enhancing the calibre and quantity of their applicant pool. He fervently promotes the inclusion of salary details in job adverts and emphasises weaving in a company's ethos and optimistic job perspectives to attract top talent.


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