Average Auditor Salary Leeds

The average Auditor salary in Leeds is £20,237.46.

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Salary Group: Auditing
Average Salary: £20,237.46

Min: £200 Max: £50,000

Average Salary in Leeds: £20,237.46

Min: £200 Max: £50,000

Average salary in West Yorkshire: £24,755.67

Min: £10,400 Max: £42,500

Average salary in Yorkshire and the Humber: £27,592.74

Min: £22,006 Max: £62,500

Average salary in England: £40,634.65

Min: £14 Max: £50,000

Average salary in UK: £25,370.90

Read about Auditor salaries and related job and salary information across the UK

Salary by Region

Compare Auditor salaries across different regions

Location Salary
Auditor salary Scotland £16,318.83
Auditor salary Wales £30,279.68
Auditor salary Northern Ireland £22,855.80
Auditor salary East Midlands £20,520.39
Auditor salary Eastern £13,531.23
Auditor salary London £27,452.66
Auditor salary North East £17,399.59
Auditor salary North West £31,127.77
Auditor salary South East £21,857.48
Auditor salary South West £27,029.03
Auditor salary West Midlands £27,701.08
Auditor salary Yorkshire and the Humber £27,592.74