Average Customer Services Assistant Salary UK

The average Customer Services Assistant salary in UK is £16,984.06.

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Average Salary: £16,984.06

Min: £16,640 Max: £19,152

Average Salary in UK: £16,984.06

Read about Customer Services Assistant salaries and related job and salary information across the UK

Salary by Region

Compare Customer Services Assistant salaries across different regions

Location Salary
Customer Services Assistant salary East Midlands £16,673.85
Customer Services Assistant salary Eastern £17,182.77
Customer Services Assistant salary West Midlands £16,899.17

Average Customer Services Assistant salary

The average salary for Customer Services Assistant jobs is a valuable metric for employees, employers, and candidates. The salary information can be a helpful insight when advertising jobs, making a job search, applying for jobs and negotiating salary.

Newly qualified Customer Services Assistant basic salary

Newly qualified Customer Services Assistants should expect to start their career with a salary that is lower than the UK average earnings for the role. It can take several years working as a Customer Services Assistant to achieve the average UK salary.

Your initial per year salary may also be influenced by factors such as the region and city where you work, with London typically offering more than other major cities. Whether you work in England, Scotland, Wales, or Northern Ireland will also alter the job’s average gross and net earnings.

Fully qualified Customer Services Assistant salaries

Your experience level directly affects where in the salary range your earnings will fall. Senior salaries are usually achieved by those who become fully qualified in their field.

Customer Services Assistant career development

In the Customer Services Assistant industry, you might be rewarded for the number of years you have worked with the employer. However, promotions and higher pay per year cannot always be achieved by remaining in the same department or company.

Professional development and specialising in a specific area will warrant an appropriate salary increase. Still, you might need to consider setting up a job alert, making a job search, and moving to another company or department to maximise your earnings or find relevant opportunities for progression.

Customer Services Assistant take home pay

In the United Kingdom, your career decisions should not be solely focused on take-home pay. Your average total compensation may include benefits that offer more value than a paycheque.

For example, health insurance, a company vehicle, part or full-time remote working, company share schemes, higher paid annual holiday days, a short commute, and maternity and paternity leave are benefits that can contribute towards your living standards, work/life balance, and job satisfaction.

Increase your annual salary with a Customer Services Assistant pay rise

A pay rise can raise your earnings per year and should be compared against the Customer Services Assistant industry average salary pay rise. Comparing your salary rise against metrics such as inflation will tell you if you will be better or worse off during the following year. It would help if you also weighed up your pay increase against the nation's cost of living increase.

If you intend to negotiate a rise above the UK average salary, you will need facts, figures, and percentages to quantify your rise. Before negotiating better pay rates, you should prepare yourself for the discussion. Bring together all the evidence that adds weight to your case for a higher salary, including the average Customer Services Assistant wage, your qualifications, achievements, and recognition.

Get paid more than your job’s average base salary with further training

Further qualifications and training will help you increase your average earnings. Training options include job-relevant diplomas, A levels, and degrees. Completing a course on a specific topic, application, or equipment will also improve your earning potential.

Earn more per year with extra shifts

Working overtime is another option that will help you be paid more than an average salary for your job. If your personal circumstances and commitments allow, you could also work unsocial hours with an hourly pay rate higher than your standard hourly rate.