Average Fabricator Salary County Antrim

The average Fabricator salary in County Antrim is £40,760.21.

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Salary Group: Production Worker
Average Salary: £40,760.21

Min: £25,667 Max: £45,833

Average Salary in County Antrim: £40,760.21

Min: £10,159 Max: £45,833

Average salary in Northern Ireland: £34,996.55

Min: £16 Max: £39,749

Average salary in UK: £24,973.00

Read about Fabricator salaries and related job and salary information across the UK

Salary by Region

Compare Fabricator salaries across different regions

Location Salary
Fabricator salary Scotland £28,319.43
Fabricator salary Wales £31,798.37
Fabricator salary Northern Ireland £34,996.55
Fabricator salary East Midlands £21,768.39
Fabricator salary Eastern £26,347.80
Fabricator salary London £28,588.65
Fabricator salary North East £22,356.76
Fabricator salary North West £24,842.58
Fabricator salary South East £28,331.80
Fabricator salary South West £26,178.61
Fabricator salary West Midlands £20,890.17
Fabricator salary Yorkshire and the Humber £23,295.76