Average Lawyer Salary Hampshire

The average Lawyer salary in Hampshire is £50,519.84.

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Salary Group: Lawyer
Average Salary: £50,519.84

Min: £30,000 Max: £67,500

Average Salary in Hampshire: £50,519.84

Min: £31,284 Max: £80,288

Average salary in South East: £54,259.98

Min: £150 Max: £119,600

Average salary in England: £63,486.74

Min: £27,000 Max: £86,000

Average salary in UK: £50,676.70

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Salary by Region

Compare Lawyer salaries across different regions

Location Salary
Lawyer salary Scotland £48,542.77
Lawyer salary Wales £41,863.69
Lawyer salary Northern Ireland £30,177.15
Lawyer salary East Midlands £46,486.49
Lawyer salary Eastern £29,831.85
Lawyer salary London £61,111.53
Lawyer salary North East £49,612.10
Lawyer salary North West £44,369.84
Lawyer salary South East £54,259.98
Lawyer salary South West £46,944.46
Lawyer salary West Midlands £43,953.07
Lawyer salary Yorkshire and the Humber £52,203.01