Average Probate Lawyer Salary Brighton and Hove

The average Probate Lawyer salary in Brighton and Hove is £49,104.25.

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Salary Group: Lawyer
Average Salary: £49,104.25

Min: £20,000 Max: £60,000

Average Salary in Brighton and Hove: £49,104.25

Min: £35,000 Max: £58,000

Average salary in East Sussex: £49,161.90

Min: £40,000 Max: £68,000

Average salary in South East: £52,775.23

Min: £35,000 Max: £60,000

Average salary in England: £46,343.54

Min: £34,650 Max: £67,000

Average salary in UK: £48,752.99

Read about Probate Lawyer salaries and related job and salary information across the UK