Average Research Fellow Salary City of Edinburgh

The average Research Fellow salary in City of Edinburgh is £39,888.15.

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Salary Group: Other Science
Average Salary: £39,888.15

Min: £39,744 Max: £40,681

Average Salary in City of Edinburgh: £39,888.15

Min: £37,099 Max: £49,990

Average salary in Scotland: £40,103.95

Min: £36,333 Max: £46,622

Average salary in UK: £41,129.88

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Salary by Region

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Location Salary
Research Fellow salary Scotland £40,103.95
Research Fellow salary Northern Ireland £37,581.00
Research Fellow salary London £43,901.38
Research Fellow salary South East £37,760.24
Research Fellow salary South West £41,165.70
Research Fellow salary West Midlands £38,513.50
Research Fellow salary Yorkshire and the Humber £40,553.54