Average Bartender Salary Poole

The average Bartender salary in Poole is £22,062.80.

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Salary Group: Restaurants and Bars
Average Salary: £22,062.80

Min: £21,424 Max: £22,776

Average Salary in Poole: £22,062.80

Min: £10,000 Max: £25,480

Average salary in Dorset: £21,385.53

Min: £600 Max: £25,730

Average salary in South West: £21,030.20

Min: £19,406 Max: £27,000

Average salary in England: £22,527.88

Min: £15 Max: £30,150

Average salary in UK: £21,804.63

Read about Bartender salaries and related job and salary information across the UK

Salary by Region

Compare Bartender salaries across different regions

Location Salary
Bartender salary Scotland £18,476.20
Bartender salary Wales £20,341.35
Bartender salary Northern Ireland £17,120.17
Bartender salary East Midlands £20,857.80
Bartender salary Eastern £21,975.14
Bartender salary London £23,355.82
Bartender salary North East £11,116.13
Bartender salary North West £21,537.00
Bartender salary South East £21,739.59
Bartender salary South West £21,030.20
Bartender salary West Midlands £21,202.30
Bartender salary Yorkshire and the Humber £19,917.66