Average Breakfast Chef Salary Stratford-upon-Avon

The average Breakfast Chef salary in Stratford-upon-Avon is £21,332.31.

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Salary Group: Catering
Average Salary: £21,332.31

Min: £15,215 Max: £26,000

Average Salary in Stratford-upon-Avon: £21,332.31

Min: £15,000 Max: £31,025

Average salary in Warwickshire: £26,932.03

Min: £20,000 Max: £32,500

Average salary in West Midlands: £28,432.06

Min: £20,800 Max: £48,500

Average salary in England: £29,873.22

Min: £15 Max: £36,700

Average salary in UK: £23,726.77

Read about Breakfast Chef salaries and related job and salary information across the UK