Average Butcher Salary West Yorkshire

The average Butcher salary in West Yorkshire is £20,239.61.

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Salary Group: Retail Sales Advisor
Average Salary: £20,239.61

Min: £34 Max: £27,750

Average Salary in West Yorkshire: £20,239.61

Min: £12 Max: £29,058

Average salary in Yorkshire and the Humber: £16,643.40

Min: £13 Max: £33,345

Average salary in England: £17,763.43

Min: £13 Max: £32,760

Average salary in UK: £16,445.86

Read about Butcher salaries and related job and salary information across the UK

Salary by Region

Compare Butcher salaries across different regions

Location Salary
Butcher salary Scotland £9,606.42
Butcher salary Wales £7,437.34
Butcher salary Northern Ireland £21,919.92
Butcher salary East Midlands £19,408.93
Butcher salary Eastern £19,761.89
Butcher salary London £23,781.27
Butcher salary North East £6,355.38
Butcher salary North West £20,265.48
Butcher salary South East £15,212.99
Butcher salary South West £11,344.03
Butcher salary West Midlands £10,424.16
Butcher salary Yorkshire and the Humber £16,643.40