Average Cleaner Salary North Yorkshire

The average Cleaner salary in North Yorkshire is £19,747.48.

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Salary Group: Cleaner
Average Salary: £19,747.48

Min: £6 Max: £25,990

Average Salary in North Yorkshire: £19,747.48

Min: £10 Max: £25,418

Average salary in Yorkshire and the Humber: £20,539.94

Min: £21,674 Max: £26,832

Average salary in England: £22,987.74

Min: £10 Max: £27,030

Average salary in UK: £20,976.23

Read about Cleaner salaries and related job and salary information across the UK

Salary by Region

Compare Cleaner salaries across different regions

Location Salary
Cleaner salary Scotland £20,145.73
Cleaner salary Wales £19,977.64
Cleaner salary Northern Ireland £19,867.34
Cleaner salary East Midlands £21,393.89
Cleaner salary Eastern £21,243.57
Cleaner salary Isle of Man £8.21
Cleaner salary London £19,827.37
Cleaner salary North East £17,421.64
Cleaner salary North West £19,897.79
Cleaner salary South East £20,789.55
Cleaner salary South West £21,499.14
Cleaner salary West Midlands £22,059.88
Cleaner salary Yorkshire and the Humber £20,539.94