Average Instructional Coordinator Salary Milton Keynes

The average Instructional Coordinator salary in Milton Keynes is £42,336.70.

Job Alerts: Sign up
Salary Group: Support Teacher
Average Salary: £42,336.70

Min: £23 Max: £74,880

Average Salary in Milton Keynes: £42,336.70

Min: £20,727 Max: £57,622

Average salary in Buckinghamshire: £39,417.90

Min: £40 Max: £51,433

Average salary in South East: £29,114.28

Min: £20,642 Max: £50,000

Average salary in England: £31,200.72

Min: £13,260 Max: £54,395

Average salary in UK: £32,337.02

Read about Instructional Coordinator salaries and related job and salary information across the UK