Average Lorry Driver Salary Northamptonshire

The average Lorry Driver salary in Northamptonshire is £20,402.19.

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Salary Group: Driving
Average Salary: £20,402.19

Min: £16,781 Max: £27,000

Average Salary in Northamptonshire: £20,402.19

Min: £5 Max: £42,640

Average salary in East Midlands: £23,999.63

Min: £16 Max: £45,825

Average salary in England: £37,114.78

Min: £16 Max: £45,825

Average salary in UK: £36,872.55

Read about Lorry Driver salaries and related job and salary information across the UK

Salary by Region

Compare Lorry Driver salaries across different regions

Location Salary
Lorry Driver salary Scotland £21,523.43
Lorry Driver salary Wales £38,279.29
Lorry Driver salary East Midlands £23,999.63
Lorry Driver salary Eastern £42,742.30
Lorry Driver salary London £43,045.00
Lorry Driver salary North West £12,020.08
Lorry Driver salary South East £40,249.43
Lorry Driver salary South West £31,490.91
Lorry Driver salary West Midlands £28,248.50
Lorry Driver salary Yorkshire and the Humber £33,932.40