Average Maintenance and Repair Worker Salary Daventry

The average Maintenance and Repair Worker salary in Daventry is £21,605.30.

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Salary Group: Tradesman
Average Salary: £21,605.30

Min: £19,146 Max: £28,500

Average Salary in Daventry: £21,605.30

Min: £17,500 Max: £33,630

Average salary in Northamptonshire: £25,364.58

Min: £12 Max: £33,103

Average salary in East Midlands: £22,773.92

Min: £22,568 Max: £41,600

Average salary in England: £27,836.62

Min: £10,933 Max: £36,296

Average salary in UK: £25,557.30

Read about Maintenance and Repair Worker salaries and related job and salary information across the UK