Average Medical and Health Services Manager Salary Leeds

The average Medical and Health Services Manager salary in Leeds is £57,408.10.

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Salary Group: Healthcare Manager
Average Salary: £57,408.10

Min: £20,285 Max: £125,000

Average Salary in Leeds: £57,408.10

Min: £22,383 Max: £63,749

Average salary in West Yorkshire: £37,103.18

Min: £23,360 Max: £51,573

Average salary in Yorkshire and the Humber: £34,864.98

Min: £23,576 Max: £100,000

Average salary in England: £52,828.71

Min: £22,660 Max: £70,000

Average salary in UK: £36,512.86

Read about Medical and Health Services Manager salaries and related job and salary information across the UK