Average Meter Fitter Salary Berkshire

The average Meter Fitter salary in Berkshire is £23,259.36.

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Salary Group: Electrical
Average Salary: £23,259.36

Min: £21,632 Max: £24,345

Average Salary in Berkshire: £23,259.36

Min: £22,173 Max: £38,938

Average salary in South East: £27,409.86

Min: £22,818 Max: £52,926

Average salary in England: £34,080.13

Min: £20,592 Max: £54,080

Average salary in UK: £37,161.64

Read about Meter Fitter salaries and related job and salary information across the UK

Salary by Region

Compare Meter Fitter salaries across different regions

Location Salary
Meter Fitter salary Eastern £38,250.00
Meter Fitter salary London £27,464.00
Meter Fitter salary North West £25,727.27
Meter Fitter salary South East £27,409.86
Meter Fitter salary South West £35,427.08
Meter Fitter salary West Midlands £26,341.43
Meter Fitter salary Yorkshire and the Humber £30,664.00