Average Nurse Midwife Salary Chichester

The average Nurse Midwife salary in Chichester is £36,808.75.

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Salary Group: Nurse
Average Salary: £36,808.75

Min: £27,000 Max: £41,600

Average Salary in Chichester: £36,808.75

Min: £29,500 Max: £39,005

Average salary in West Sussex: £32,658.48

Min: £23 Max: £63,749

Average salary in South East: £31,220.26

Min: £26,534 Max: £57,200

Average salary in England: £44,683.80

Min: £26,500 Max: £65,166

Average salary in UK: £42,785.98

Read about Nurse Midwife salaries and related job and salary information across the UK