Average PR Campaign Manager Salary Sheffield

The average PR Campaign Manager salary in Sheffield is £38,049.72.

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Salary Group: Public Relations (PR)
Average Salary: £38,049.72

Min: £27,500 Max: £47,500

Average Salary in Sheffield: £38,049.72

Min: £30,000 Max: £50,440

Average salary in South Yorkshire: £38,715.80

Min: £26,000 Max: £53,710

Average salary in Yorkshire and the Humber: £36,515.07

Min: £27,500 Max: £54,151

Average salary in England: £37,161.34

Min: £26,000 Max: £59,800

Average salary in UK: £39,406.27

Read about PR Campaign Manager salaries and related job and salary information across the UK