Average Actor Salary Tyne and Wear

The average Actor salary in Tyne and Wear is £33,005.40.

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Salary Group: Performing Arts
Average Salary: £33,005.40

Min: £10,500 Max: £78,000

Average Salary in Tyne and Wear: £33,005.40

Min: £17,901 Max: £65,000

Average salary in North East: £29,658.90

Min: £20,917 Max: £62,500

Average salary in England: £30,135.19

Min: £20,821 Max: £62,500

Average salary in UK: £30,813.55

Read about Actor salaries and related job and salary information across the UK

Salary by Region

Compare Actor salaries across different regions

Location Salary
Actor salary Scotland £24,252.75
Actor salary Wales £22,402.95
Actor salary Northern Ireland £42,000.00
Actor salary East Midlands £30,085.45
Actor salary Eastern £33,158.42
Actor salary London £42,828.39
Actor salary North East £29,658.90
Actor salary North West £37,686.33
Actor salary South East £39,016.38
Actor salary South West £35,941.80
Actor salary West Midlands £24,297.08
Actor salary Yorkshire and the Humber £21,969.40