Average Sales Administrator Salary Newcastle upon Tyne

The average Sales Administrator salary in Newcastle upon Tyne is £24,297.97.

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Salary Group: Sales Support
Average Salary: £24,297.97

Min: £16,000 Max: £27,500

Average Salary in Newcastle upon Tyne: £24,297.97

Min: £10,000 Max: £30,000

Average salary in Tyne and Wear: £22,040.16

Min: £11,000 Max: £27,500

Average salary in North East: £22,342.74

Min: £22,672 Max: £35,000

Average salary in England: £27,516.42

Min: £11,000 Max: £31,494

Average salary in UK: £23,538.66

Read about Sales Administrator salaries and related job and salary information across the UK