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About Haigh Consultants


2 - 10 Employees

Haigh Consultants

Specialist consultancy, specifically developed for service based organisations who are looking for ways to grow: By enhancing existing levels of success, improving staff retention, employee productivity or developing a culture of innovation and creativity.

Questions commonly arise such as:

• Are you maximizing revenue opportunities?
• Does your company or the individuals within it aspire to a higher level of achievement?
• Do any key roles need support?
• Is there anything you can do to save on costs of recruitment: Process and opportunity cost?
• Can we get help with recruitment without being tied to retained fees?
• Do you have issues with staff retention?
• Do you wish you were adding more revenue?


• Perhaps you are thinking of selling your business?
• What are the crucial factors holding back the valuation?
• When should you start preparing for sale?
• How are we going to integrate the business and mange culture change?

All service companies have in common that their primary asset is the talent within. We can advise on and assist you in achieving a more successful business, a company where people are motivated to work together. Maximizing the strengths of the resource already available.

And where there is a requirement to look at Business Critical roles, we can manage that process or deliver the assignment.

Our business is founded on trust, integrity, confidentiality, sound business experience and excellent market knowledge

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