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About Precious-Homes


501 - 1000 Employees

Precious Homes provide support and bespoke environments for people with:

- Learning Disabilities
- Autism
- Acquired Brain Injuries
and associated health needs.

The aim of our support is to create pathways for people so they are able to move from receiving intensive support, where a person may require 24-hour support, to receiving significantly less support over time as skills, independence and confidence increase.

We offer a range of support provision including: residential, supported living, supported living plus and outreach in the community.

The key focus, no matter what service type, is that we are empowering people to live as independently as possible and achieve their goals and aspirations.

Our teams are well trained, experienced and empowered to work in a structured and time focused way to provide people with a pathway to develop the skills they need to successfully move to greater independence.

Visit our website to find out more at: www.precious-homes.co.uk

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