• By Check-a-Salary
  • Posted Thursday 25 th April 2024

What to look for in a new company

Finding a new job can be exciting yet daunting. Whether you're a seasoned professional seeking new challenges or a fresher entering the workforce, the choice of company greatly influences your career trajectory and job satisfaction.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore essential factors to consider when evaluating potential employers, ensuring your next professional move is a success.

1. Company Culture and Values

The ethos of a company significantly impacts employee satisfaction and retention. An organisation's culture reflects its values, work environment, and treatment of its employees. Before you join a company, it’s crucial to understand if its values align with your personal beliefs.

  • Inclusivity: Check if the company promotes a diverse and inclusive environment.
  • Work Environment: Consider if the environment is collaborative or competitive, and what suits you best.
  • Employee Feedback: Look up reviews on platforms like Glassdoor or seek out current or past employees to get an insight into the company culture.

2. Career Development and Growth Opportunities

For long-term career satisfaction, growth opportunities within the company are critical. A company that invests in the development and progression of its employees is more likely to help you achieve your career goals.

  • Training and Development: Look for companies that offer training programs, workshops, or tuition reimbursement to enhance your skills.
  • Promotion Policies: Understand how promotions are handled. Is it tenure-based, performance-based, or both?
  • Career Path Transparency: A company should have clear career paths outlining potential growth trajectories within the organisation.

3. Work-Life Balance

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is essential for your overall well-being. Companies that recognise the importance of life outside work are more likely to have satisfied and productive employees.

  • Flexible Hours and Remote Work: Is there flexibility in work hours or opportunities for remote work?
  • Leave Policies: Evaluate the generosity and flexibility of the leave policies.
  • Employee Wellness Programs: Check for programs that address employee well-being, including mental health support and fitness initiatives.

4. Stability and Security

Job security is a significant concern, especially in fluctuating economic climates. Understanding a company’s stability and market position can give insight into long-term job security.

  • Financial Health: Look at the company's growth trends, profitability, and market share.
  • Industry Standing: Consider the company’s standing in the industry. Is it leading, innovating, or falling behind?
  • Employee Turnover: High turnover can be a red signal, indicating possible issues with management or job security.

5. Compensation and Benefits

While salary is often the primary focus, other benefits can dramatically impact your job satisfaction and financial well-being.

  • Salary Competitiveness: Ensure the salary offerings are competitive within the industry for your role. To help with this, please check our benchmarks
  • Health Benefits: Look at the healthcare benefits, insurance coverage, and any other health-related benefits.
  • Retirement Plans: Check if the company offers retirement plans like 401(k), and if there's any employer matching.

6. Innovation

In today’s fast-paced world, staying ahead with technology and innovation is crucial for any company's long-term success.

  • Adoption of New Technologies: See if the company stays current with technological advances relevant to the industry.
  • Innovation Culture: Does the company encourage creative thinking and innovation among its employees?
  • Sustainability Practices: Look into whether the company adopts sustainable and environmentally friendly practices.

7. Management and Leadership

Good leadership is integral to the success of any organisation. Effective leaders inspire and motivate their teams to achieve great results.

  • Leadership Style: Is the leadership approach more authoritative or democratic?
  • Visibility and Communication: Consider how transparent the management is about company goals, challenges, and successes.
  • Employee Engagement: Does the leadership team actively engage with everyone regardless of their job role?


Choosing the right company goes beyond just the paycheck. It’s about finding a place where you can thrive professionally and personally.

By considering these critical factors - culture, growth opportunities, work-life balance, stability, compensation, innovation, and leadership - you can make an informed decision about joining a company that not only challenges you but also supports and values your contribution.

Prioritise these elements according to your personal and career goals to find the best fit for your next job move.

Good luck!



Phil Norton

Phil is the co-founder of Leave Dates, the employee annual leave planner. He loves problem-solving and making life easier for small businesses. If you book a Leave Dates demo, he will give you a warm welcome and show you everything that you need to know.




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