How the pressure of inflation affects your salary

Inflation can be considered good or bad, depending on your circumstances and viewpoint. Economists, governments, and employers have their views, but what about you earning an annual salary as an employee?Here we look at how the pressure of inflation affects your salary. We define rising inflation an...

4 Ideas To Try That Can Advance Your Career

Have you been thinking about a career boost lately? It is natural to hope for career advancement after investing enough and effort time in a specific job role. Your path to career advancement may involve accepting more responsibilities in the same job role, moving up the corporate ladder, or, better...

How to Find Jobs at Top Video Production Companies

In this article, we’ll explore the ins and outs of finding a job at one of the top video production companies.In today’s world, it is becoming more and more difficult to find a good-paying job. This has been especially true for those in creative industries such as video production. The c...

Six Steps To Picking A Career Consultant

Whether you are a postgraduate or at the senior executive career stage, you have choices ahead that will accelerate or hinder your professional progression, direction, or transformation. You might be brimming with ambition but haven’t realised the strengths and skills that will facilitate a jo...

Career Advice For Students

Your time at college or university is not only a time for learning but a time to focus on your career aspirations. You will want to plan for the future and take action today to accelerate tomorrow's career transition and progression....

How To Work With A Work Coach

You might have bought into the premise that hard work alone will let you get ahead in your career. While this may be true initially, success, promotions, and recognition eventually begin to slow and stall. When progress begins to wane, many people come to realise that they can’t achieve their ...

Do I Need Career Coaching?

Progressing your career, reaching your full potential, and making career decisions are significant challenges that can be overcome if you are prepared to put the work in. However, you might find yourself struggling to find the motivation you need to advance your career or feel like you have hit a ro...

What Is A Life Coach And How Can One Help Me With My Career

Reaching any goal is difficult without some form of guidance or coaching. Recognising they can’t do it all on their own, people are discovering the benefits of having a life coach, helping them reach their personal and professional aspirations....

What is the National Careers Service?

Finding impartial and reliable advice on education and careers can be a challenge. You may not know where to turn or whose advice to follow; enter the National Careers Service.The National Careers Service is available to people living in England and over the age of thirteen, providing career informa...

Career Advice By Industry

Are you dreaming of a future career, looking to progress in your business sector, or considering changing your career path? If you answered yes to any of these three questions, career advice by industry would be invaluable....

20 UK Companies That Offer Students a Paid Internship

Pursuing a degree amid the pandemic is a challenging experience. In addition to the demanding curriculum of your university, you also have to deal with worries caused by the tough labour market as an implication of COVID-19. Thus, students should think about ways to get work experience and increase ...

Top 5 Well-Paid Jobs in the UK and Academic Degrees Needed for Them

Even though the world has turned upside down, in most cases, a good education means good money. It’s hard to imagine an Oxford man earning a median average salary, whatever career they have chosen. Education empowers people enough to be selective when it comes to job offers and career paths....

The Best Self Employed Jobs

Self-employment often provides workers with greater autonomy and flexibility than can be achieved when working directly for a company.Parents, retirees, students and people managing multiple jobs are just some of the groups of people who may wish to become self-employed....

How to become Self-Employed

Ever thought about being your own boss? Whilst the idea is a somewhat appealing career path for enterprising individuals, it is not necessarily the best choice for everyone. Before making the leap into the world of self-employment, you will need to look at the benefits and drawbacks of being self-em...

4 Tips To Improve Your Career Everyday

Never assume that you are a master of your career and that you have nothing more to learn; gaining as much knowledge as possible is essential to reach the top.What you will find below is a list of the most significant things I have learnt from others. We might learn things quickly, but sometimes we ...