How Can ChatGPT Help When Writing A CV

How Can ChatGPT Help When Writing A CV

In the ever-evolving world of job hunting, standing out from the crowd has become both an art and a science. As the lines between traditional resume writing and modern-day AI tools blur, more and more job seekers are turning to innovative solutions to give them an CV writing edge. Enter ChatGPT: a cutting-edge tool that’s reshaping the way we approach the task. From helping you use ChatGPT to write a resume that’s perfectly tailored to a job description, to crafting an impeccable cover letter, this AI-powered assistant is transforming the landscape of job applications. In this blog, we’ll delve deep into how ChatGPT can be the game-changer every job seeker has been waiting for.

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Highlights And Key Takeaways:

  1. Writing a resume with ChatGPT will help with your precision, relevance, adaptability, consistency, and time-efficiency.

  2. It is crucial to give the AI as much detail as possible about the job and your professional skills and experience when you use ChatGPT to write a resume.

  3. You can use our ChatGPT prompts to get started with the daunting task of writing a great resume or CV.

  4. You can access free CV templates to 2,596 job titles on Check-A-Salary.

Why Using AI For CV Writing Makes Sense

Why Asking ChatGPT Makes Sense

In today’s digital age, where every process is rapidly evolving, resume writing is no exception. Learning how to write a CV and penning down your qualifications and experience on paper has given way to dynamic and interactive CVs. Yet, with the vast competition out there, standing out in the pile of resumes becomes increasingly challenging. This is where integrating AI into the process makes a notable difference.

Using artificial intelligence, particularly a tool like ChatGPT, can transform the way we write resumes. Here are 5 reasons to use ChatGPT to write your CV:

  1. Precision and Relevance: AI can quickly scan through vast amounts of information, ensuring that the content you include in your resume is relevant to the job you’re applying for. Write a resume with ChatGPT, and you’ll be presented with a concise and tailored document that highlights your most pertinent skills and experiences.

  2. Adaptability: The world of work is in constant flux. New job roles emerge, and old ones evolve. AI is equipped to understand these shifts and can guide you in presenting your qualifications in a way that resonates with current market demands. This adaptability increases your chances of landing that dream job.

  3. Consistency: One of the common pitfalls in resume writing is inconsistency - be it in format, tone, or content. AI ensures that your resume maintains a uniform tone and structure, making it more professional and readable.

  4. Feedback and Suggestions: Unlike traditional resume writing where you might need a second human opinion, when you write a resume with ChatGPT, you receive instant feedback. This can be invaluable in refining your CV further, ensuring it’s the best version before sending it off. You can now use ChatGPT to help you in finding answers to questions such as “What Information Must I Include In A CV?” and “What Not To Include On Your CV.”

  5. Time-Efficiency: Crafting the perfect CV can be time-consuming. AI significantly speeds up the process by providing quick suggestions, formats, and edits. You can then invest this saved time into other crucial aspects of job hunting, like networking or interview preparation.

In conclusion, as the job market continues to be competitive, ensuring you have a standout resume is paramount. Using AI, and especially tools like ChatGPT, is no longer just an option but a sensible choice for anyone serious about clinching their dream job.

How To Use ChatGPT To Write An Impressive CV

How To Use AI To Write Your Own Resume

The world of CV creation has experienced a paradigm shift with the advent of AI tools like ChatGPT. Gone are the days when one had to rely solely on a professional resume writer to craft a standout document. Now, you can easily harness the power of ChatGPT to craft a CV that leaves a lasting impression. Here’s how to use ChatGPT to create a resume:

  • Gather Your Information: Before you dive in, collate all relevant data about your educational background, work experience, skills, and achievements. This will serve as the foundational content upon which ChatGPT will help enhance and refine.

  • Start with a Simple Prompt: Initiate the process by typing something as straightforward as, “Help me write my resume.” ChatGPT will respond, guiding you on how best to proceed based on the information you’ve gathered.

  • Provide Specific Details: The more information you provide, the better. Detail your career goals, the industry you’re targeting, and any specific nuances you want your resume to have. This will aid ChatGPT in aligning your CV perfectly with your aspirations.

  • Review Suggestions and Feedback: As you proceed, ChatGPT will offer tips and edits. These might range from rephrasing certain lines to make them more impactful, to restructuring sections for better flow and coherence.

  • Customisation is Key: To craft a compelling resume with ChatGPT, don’t hesitate to ask for different styles or formats. Whether you want a functional, chronological, or hybrid CV, the AI can adapt to your needs.

  • Seek Expertise Without the Price Tag: While a professional resume writer can be costly, using ChatGPT provides a cost-effective alternative without compromising on quality. Its vast knowledge base ensures you get expert-level advice throughout the process.

  • Final Review: Once you’re satisfied with the CV ChatGPT has helped craft, it’s always a good idea to have a final look. Make sure all details are accurate and that the resume truly represents your professional journey.

Incorporating these steps, anyone can craft an impressive and tailored resume with ChatGPT. It’s a seamless blend of technology and personal touch, ensuring that your CV not only stands out but genuinely resonates with potential employers.

Tailoring Your CV To Specific Roles Using ChatGPT

Using Detailed Prompts To Tailor Your CV

In today’s competitive job market, sending out generic CVs rarely gets the desired results. Hiring Managers often look for CVs meticulously tailored to the specific job description they’ve advertised. Using ChatGPT, you can fine-tune your existing resume or CV to align seamlessly with particular job roles. Here’s how to make sure your CV aligns with a specific job posting:

  • Understanding the Role: Begin by thoroughly analysing the job descriptions you’re interested in. Highlight specific job titles, key job responsibilities, and any particular technical skills or qualifications they emphasise.

  • Initiate the Chat with Precision: Instead of a generic “Help me write my CV,” steer the conversation by saying something like, “Help me tailor my CV for a [specific job title] role.” This will ensure ChatGPT understands the context right from the start.

  • Refining Resume Bullet Points: One of the standout features when using ChatGPT is its ability to help write resume bullet points that are compelling. Share your previous responsibilities, and ChatGPT can rephrase them to align more closely with the requirements of the specific job role you’re targeting.

  • Highlighting Relevant Skills: Once you have a list of skills from the job descriptions, ask ChatGPT to assist in positioning these relevant skills prominently on your CV. The AI will not only ensure they’re included but will also provide context to demonstrate your proficiency.

  • Optimising for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS): Many companies use ATS to filter CVs based on keywords related to the job role. ChatGPT can help ensure that your CV contains these crucial keywords, increasing its visibility in such systems.

  • Seek Feedback: Once you’ve crafted your tailored CV, ask ChatGPT, “How does this CV align with a [specific job description] for a [job title]?” The feedback will provide insights into any areas that might need further tweaking to ensure an amazing resume.

  • Understanding Hiring Managers’ Perspective: ChatGPT, with its extensive knowledge base, can offer insights into what Hiring Managers typically look for in a job seeker for specific roles. This can be invaluable in making last-minute adjustments to your CV.

By following these steps and harnessing the power of ChatGPT, you can ensure that your CV isn’t just another document in a pile. Instead, it becomes a well-written, tailored piece, resonating perfectly with the demands of the job role you’re eyeing, giving you a significant edge in your job application process.

Maximising Your Job Search Potential With ChatGPT

ChatGPT Job Search And Job Interview Prep

Job hunting in today’s digital era goes beyond just making a job search and submitting CVs; it’s an intricate dance of networking, personal branding, and effective communication. ChatGPT, as a versatile AI tool, can play a pivotal role in not just enhancing your CV but also in bolstering your overall job search strategy. Here are 7 ways you can maximise your job search potential with ChatGPT:

  1. Tailored Cover Letters: Much like tailoring your CV, a personalised cover letter makes a substantial difference. Share the job description with ChatGPT and get assistance crafting a letter that not only highlights your qualifications but also demonstrates genuine interest in the role and company.

  2. Interview Preparation: Facing an interview can be daunting. With ChatGPT, you can simulate common interview questions for your industry or even specific roles. By practising your responses, you’ll be better poised to impress during the actual interview.

  3. Networking Outreach: Whether you’re reaching out on LinkedIn or via email, crafting a compelling message is vital. ChatGPT can help phrase your introductions and queries, ensuring you come across as professional and genuinely interested in building a connection.

  4. Personal Branding: In today’s digital world, personal branding on platforms like LinkedIn is more important than ever. ChatGPT can provide feedback on your profile, suggest articles to share or even help you draft posts that reflect your industry expertise.

  5. Decoding Job Descriptions: Sometimes, job descriptions can be filled with industry jargon or vague requirements. Use ChatGPT to decode these descriptions, ensuring you understand the role thoroughly and can tailor your application accordingly.

  6. Keeping Abreast with Industry Trends: Regularly chat with ChatGPT about the latest trends in your industry. By staying updated, you can anticipate the skills and knowledge potential employers might value, giving you an edge.

  7. Feedback and Continuous Improvement: After interviews or networking events, reflect on the experience with ChatGPT. Discussing your perceptions and gathering feedback can provide valuable insights for future interactions.

In essence, while ChatGPT is a powerful tool for crafting an impressive CV, its utility in the job search process is manifold. By integrating it into various aspects of your job hunt, you not only streamline the process but also enhance your chances of landing that coveted role.

Dos And Don’ts: Best Practices When Using AI In Job Search

AI Language Model Dos And Donts

AI, represented by tools like ChatGPT, has revolutionised the job search process, making it more efficient and targeted. However, it’s essential to strike a balance between leveraging AI and retaining a personal touch. Here are some best practices to ensure you make the most of AI without losing your authenticity.


  • Stay Informed: Regularly update yourself about the latest advancements in AI tools for aiding your job search. Knowing the capabilities and limits of a language model tool will help you use it more effectively.

  • Customise Inputs: Always personalise the information you provide to AI tools. While ChatGPT is adept at generating content, the more specific you are, the more tailored and relevant the output will be.

  • Review and Refine: Always review the content generated by AI. It provides a base, but it’s essential to ensure the final output genuinely represents your skills and experiences.

  • Blend AI with Traditional Methods: While AI can speed up processes, don’t neglect traditional job search methods like networking. Use AI to enhance these methods rather than replace them.

  • Protect Your Data: When using any AI tool, ensure you’re aware of data privacy settings and how your information is stored or used.


  • Over-Reliance: Avoid becoming too dependent on artificial intelligence. While it’s a powerful assistant, your intuition, knowledge, and personal experiences are irreplaceable in the job search process.

  • Generic Outputs: Don’t use the generic content generated without personalising it. Recruiters can often tell when a CV, professional summary, or cover letter hasn’t been customised for a specific role.

  • Skip the Human Touch: Remember, while AI can provide a lot of data and content, the human connection is invaluable. Whether it’s understanding a company’s culture or building relationships, a personal touch goes a long way.

  • Assume AI Is Always Right: Like any tool, AI can have its shortcomings. Always double-check the content, especially when tailoring your CV for specific roles.

  • Bypass Learning: AI can make things easier, but it’s essential to understand the processes behind job searching. This ensures you’re not at a loss if you ever need to go about things the traditional way. You can stay up to date with the latest career advice by following our salary and job search blog and by reading insightful articles such as - How To Find Work and How To Decide What Job I Should Do.

Incorporating these best practices will ensure you harness the potential of AI, like ChatGPT, while ensuring your job search remains genuine, focused, and effective.

The Future Of CV Writing And AI

Future Of Applying For A New Job

The future of CV writing is poised to be deeply intertwined with the advancements in AI. As artificial intelligence becomes even more sophisticated, it will offer job seekers unprecedented personalisation and adaptability in their CVs. The technology promises to understand and anticipate industry trends, allowing candidates to present themselves in the most relevant light. While the traditional essence of a CV, capturing a candidate’s journey and strengths, will remain, AI will provide the tools to craft these narratives more effectively, ensuring they resonate with the evolving demands of the global job market.

The Best ChatGPT Resume Prompts For Job Seekers

ChatGPT Prompts

Leveraging ChatGPT’s capabilities can be a game-changer in your job search. Here’s a compilation of 20 ChatGPT CV prompts to guide the AI in assisting you to craft an impeccable resume:

  1. Help me create a CV tailored for a [specific job title].

  2. Provide a professional resume summary for someone with my experience.

  3. Suggest strong action verbs to describe my job duties.

  4. How should I format my CV for a tech industry job?

  5. I’m transitioning from [Industry A] to [Industry B]. How can I rephrase the experience on my current resume to be relevant?

  6. Help me highlight my leadership skills in my CV.

  7. Provide examples of impactful bullet points for a project manager role.

  8. I’m a recent graduate. How should I structure my CV and write resume achievements?

  9. Provide a list of soft skills I should consider including in my CV.

  10. How can I best describe remote work experience in my resume?

  11. Give me ideas for an attention-grabbing CV headline.

  12. I want to emphasise my teamwork and collaboration skills. How should I phrase this?

  13. Help me write a concise description for my five years of marketing experience.

  14. Provide suggestions for professional achievements I can include in my CV.

  15. How do I list freelance or consultancy work in a chronological resume?

  16. I have a gap in my employment. How can I address this in my CV?

  17. Provide a sample skills section tailored for a data analyst position.

  18. How can I showcase my professional certifications effectively in my CV?

  19. Suggest ways to make my CV stand out visually without being unprofessional.

  20. Help me craft a compelling objective statement for my CV.

Remember, while these ChatGPT prompts are a great starting point, always ensure that the final CV output is tailored to your specific experiences and the job you’re applying for.

Free CV Templates

Free Resume Templates

A CV or resume template will give your completely new resume a polished look, with guidance and effective resume formatting for your professional circumstances. You can access 2,596 free CV templates on Check-A-Salary, for specific job titles.

You can also download a resume tailored to these types of job seekers:

Using ChatGPT To Write CVs FAQs

Next, we answer your questions on how to use ChatGPT to write a resume or CV:


To enhance your CV using ChatGPT, first provide a brief description of your current CV details. Then, specify areas where you’d like improvements or feedback. ChatGPT can offer suggestions on layout, wording, or additional information to include. Always remember to proofread the final draft for any errors.


There isn’t a single predefined prompt for CVs in ChatGPT. However, a starting prompt might be something like: “I need help in drafting a professional CV for a copywriting position. Here are my details…” followed by your qualifications, experience, etc. The more specific you are, the better tailored the response will be.


Begin by providing ChatGPT with the job description you’re targeting. Then, share your current CV. Ask for suggestions on aligning your CV more closely with the job requirements. ChatGPT can help highlight relevant experiences, skills, and qualifications to make your CV more appealing for that specific role.


While ChatGPT can’t directly apply for jobs on your behalf, it can assist in the application process. Share the job details and ask for help in drafting cover letters, tailoring your CV, or preparing for interviews. For online applications, you can also seek advice on keywords or phrases that might increase the chances of your CV being noticed.

About the Author: Neil Hagger

With a rich experience spanning over two decades in recruitment, Neil's passion for CV excellence is palpable. Witnessing countless subpar CVs has motivated him to champion the creation of bespoke CVs tailored for sector-specific roles. While Neil encourages innovative approaches to make candidates stand out, he remains a staunch believer in maintaining universally relatable CV formats.


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