Best Salary Websites to Check Before Your Next Pay Review

Salary negotiation is a significant deal; go in too low and your employer will happily accept, go in too high and your chances of success are reduced. Being able to approach your current or future employer with a salary range based on the current market, will significantly increase your chances of s...

High Demand Jobs in Cardiff

Have you got one of the best-paid jobs in Cardiff? If you are looking for a lucrative career in Cardiff, this guide on some of the best paying jobs in the area will undoubtedly be of great interest to you.Here’s a look at the top 10 highest paid jobs in Cardiff: 1) Financial Institution M...

Job based jokes!

We have started compiling a list of job based jobs, but could really benefit from your support with extending it further. Please comment either on the post, or on social media. We will add the best ones to this post. Enjoy!I’ve just been made redundant from my job making trampolines. Don&rsquo...

7 In-Demand Jobs for Graduates

It’s not always easy to identify an employment opportunity that can help you to earn more than just enough to pay the bills. A more attractive pay package can be within your easy reach after you have a look at the best paying jobs in the United Kingdom....

From Passion To Profession: Get Paid For Your Passion

We are living in an internet-dominated and tech-savvy world where numerous people are winning the struggle to work from home and to build a business around their skills and passions. However, the truth is that achieving this is not always easy.Here are a few precise points to assist you to get start...

How to pass your probation period

According to industry estimates, almost one in every five new employees fails to live up to expectations during their probation period. The simple truth is that employees on probation are scrutinised and are therefore in the’ danger zone’. Now comes the question - how do you ensure that ...

Secrets To Mastering Body Language

Are you putting in extra hours at work and meeting all your deadlines, but still haven’t received the kind of promotion or appreciation that you so rightly deserved?Body language experts across the globe, are of the view that we tend to give off thousands of non-verbal signs whilst saying only...

Is This The Right Time To Change Your Job?

Making up your mind to switch your job is a critical decision. However, this decision has to be made over a period of time and not in the heat of the moment. Resigning over an angry moment or in a fit of pique is clearly not the best thing to do....